Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A Visit From Utah
My dad and Mikey watching a movie
Craig and Mikey probably calling his girlfriend Amanda. Can't wait to meet her!
Grandpa and babies building a lego tower
Posted by Creel Family at 9:33 AM 3 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Painting and Dog Training
Posted by Creel Family at 1:54 PM 4 comments
Little Rock Alumni Game
Posted by Creel Family at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Three Year Anniversary
Then we did some walking and shopping on Santa Monica Pier. It was nice to have a leisurly day and not think about schedules and naps...even though we missed Mikey, of course.
Team before the national anthem.
And here's Gasol
Posted by Creel Family at 1:06 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Catch Up
Here are the beautiful flowers I recieved from my wonderful husband on Valentines. He also agreed to go to Twilight with me and actually liked it. It was a great day.
My sister, Alyssa visited from Utah for three weeks amidst all of this craziness and turned 21. We loved having her and are glad that she's coming back with my parents next weekend. And no, that's not a beer bottle on the table. She didn't turn that kind of twenty-one.
I've been picking up a few sub days here and there for the high school district I used to work for. It's a nice break from home craziness and also some good extra money. Our families have been graciously watching Mikey. And he loves it. Lizzie is Mikey's best friend. She is the cutest!
I've been lucky enough to spend a lot of time with my sister, too. I LOVE it. We spend so much time with each other that we ran into each other randomly the other day at the grocery store and we were wearing the same shirt. It was too funny. I love both my sisters.
The little devil
Somewhere in the last couple months he had his 18 month appointment. He had it a little late and is now 21 months, but at the time he was almost thirty pounds and I can't remember how many inches. He was average for weight and 80% for height. The funniest thing about him is he is now in a size 9 shoe. My little clown. But isn't he adorable?
Things will continue to be busy around here and I'll try to keep up on my posts. Our three year anniversary is coming up this week and we're actually celebrating. My family is also coming this weekend. This entry took so long that it was incentive to do it more often to save some time. Next time I may post a belly shot of my quickly growing profile. I'm five months and this pregnancy is flying by! We're looking forward to this new little one. He seems as active as his older brother already and we're curious to see him.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Posted by Creel Family at 12:12 PM 5 comments