Friday, July 11, 2008

Fourth Of July

This was Mikey's second 4th of July but his first that he could really enjoy. He did really well. He ate more food than me at the barbeque and pointed at the fireworks the whole time. As soon as it was over, he cried the whole way home because it was past his bedtime, but I think he had a good time.


Tiffany said...

ps. who is that jared beckstrand on your links? i wonder if we're related. that's my maiden name. do you know if he has brothers named dwight or jeff?

Ashley said...

That's so cute that he had such a fun time. How do you get him to be such a good eater? Thomas just never wants to sit and eat anything, he'd rather be on the go. In fact, we usually have to follow him around to feed him! Those books are good, they're not the best, but definently addicting. They get even better though. I just laugh how dramatic everything always is.

Theurer Clan said...

That's great he liked the fireworks. What a brave guy. You are looking quite gorgeous my friend! What a babe!