Sunday, October 12, 2014

Ty's One-Year Facts

(Originally posted 10/17/2012)
This happy little guy turns one today.  I think time goes faster with each child.  I can remember being pregnant with him like it was yesterday.  And, he’s the easiest baby ever so he’s kind of just drifted into being a one-year-old without causing any trouble.  I am going to be selfish and just list a few things I’d like to remember when he’s moving out of the house and these baby days are long behind me.
*We call him Bubsy-Wubsy and he loves it when we tell him we “wubsy” him.
*He loves that small potato show on Disney Junior.  He gets the biggest smile and crawls to wherever he can hear it.
*Has such a sweet temperment and rarely cries or throws tantrums.
*Shows loves to Momma, Daddy and brothers in his own special ways.
*Finally sleeping through the night….I think
*Will eat anything (even jalepeno Cheetos and pepperocini peppers)
*Is always hungry
*Drinks water really well and makes a smacking noise when he wants us to bring him his drink
*Loves to read and sing and dance
*Has a crazy happy dance he’ll do when he’s in a good mood
*Loves his binki but gave up his bottle months ago
*Loves to do tricks and make people smile
*Waves at everyone
*Things everything is a phone to say “Heh” to daddy
*Has 3 teeth but is getting at least 3 more
Thanks for letting this be my personal journal for the day!  I sure to love this little Ty-Ty and am so grateful he’s in our family.  He is special.