Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Usual

So, I haven't posted in a while because nothing much really ever goes on here. But, I have some cute pictures of Mikey so I thought I'd post a couple of the usual going ons here at the Creel house.

Mikey loves to play with our barstools.

Some times not as much as others : )

I just like this picture... he looks so old to me.

Michael taught him how to play catch. He's getting pretty good at the throwing part.

Mikey loves sitting at the computer and watching videos of himself. I have a vain child.

Mikey loves to read books with mommy, especially before bedtime.

Michael and Mikey cuddling in the morning.

Mikey making his daily mess.

We were watching The Office on the computer because we had missed an episode and I thought this was too cute to not take a picture. They are SO much alike!

Have a good week!