Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mikey Is Four!

I can't believe I have a four year old. I also can't believe that his feet are only the length of my toes smaller than mine and he's less than two feet shorter than me. My boy is growing up!


Meg said...

That is pretty crazy, one more year and he's five! I think I'm most scared for five right now, probably because that's when they start kindergarten and then they'll be in school every year until they're 18 and then they'll be moving out!!! These first 5 years are the only ones we get them all day everyday and they like it. I know I get a little ahead of myself, but really, Kindergarten is the beginning :) That's awesome Mikey likes dinos so much - we should totally get together the next time you are in town...Beck would probably be beside himself with excitement to find another kid who shares his sometimes excessive passion for dinos. And I would love to see you!