Monday, November 7, 2011

Little Ty-Ty

Tyler is three weeks today and has fit right into our lives.  It's been fun to see how different a third boy can look from his two brothers and to see how alert and special he is.  We love little Ty-Ty!

Mikey holding him

My four boys!

He makes THE funniest faces : )

Ty got thrush and it looked like we painted his tongue white.  Best pic we could get.

In his carseat.  This is when he's a bit over a week old.  We forgot to do one the day he came home.  Ha ha, guess that's the third child for ya.

Happy Halloween from the little gus.

His favorite way to sit and sleep on daddy.

My little bundle

First day going to church almost three weeks old.  Handsome little guy : )