We had such a good time in Utah. It was so fun to visit my favorite places and see my family. Mikey actually did really well on the plane and sleeping in a new place, so it was better than I even expected.
Our first day there we went and barbequed up Logan canyon. It is so beautiful up there and Mikey really liked running around outside and seeing all the birds and ducks. He loves seeing things in real life that he knows from his books. It's fun to see his vocabulary and animal sounds improving daily.
We went to Willow park and Mikey loved it. He has never been to a zoo before, so even this little one pleased him. My camera died two minutes in, so sorry there aren't more pictures of this little guy's joy. I think he was pointing the whole time non-stop. He made monkey and bird noises when he saw these next two.
Of course we did crafts. I didn't take pictures of them, but it was really fun. Mikey even tried to learn a few things from my mom.
Call me crazy, and sorry for the almost nude shot, but I'm also trying to potty train him. I know he's only fifteen months, but he tells me when he needs to pee and poo, so I figured why not? He has yet to actually go in the toilet, but I figure if I show him the toilet enough times at the right time, it may catch on. He loves his toilet though. He wants to be so big!
Sorry this is extremely long. Hope everyone is doing well! Sorry if I missed you on my trip. Hopefully in November!
oH MY gosh I am totally jealous that you have Mikey moved into a big bed already, and maybe potty trained what?!? I need some pointers, I want to move Thomas to a big bed, but he just gets out. I can't believe how old he does look. Seeing logan pictures and hearing about your trip makes me miss it there. Thanks for the update.
It looks like you had a lot of fun in Utah. I wish we could have been up there as well. Good luck with the potty training, that is great!
That is fun that you got to go to Utah...I'm jealous. Mikey is looking so cute! I'm a little bit shocked about the big boy bed. Was he climbing out of his crib? I wasn't even thinking about it till like 2-- but maybe I am wrong and will need to start earlier!? What is the status on your house? We need to catch up over the phone!
Yeah for home trips! It made me homesick all over again! Mikey is so cute Tara! I can't believe he is in a big boy bed!! I am still keeping Luke locked in his cage for a couple more months until this baby kicks him out! Anyways it was fun to see pic of your family! You look so good!
Tara -
How funny that I'm reading your blog and you mention Jen, Jason, and then show a picture of Jaden. It was fun to read about my Holladay cousins on a Turley family blog.
You're a doll and again, it was so fun to see you!!!
Love --
Aunt Joan
Mikey is getting so big...too bad we weren't in Logan at the same time
I am sooooo sad! We missed you by just a few days. My phone was not being used about half the time you were in Utah (including the time you called) and the other half all three of us girls were soooo sick so I didn't do anything but survive let alone return calls. I am so sorry. When did you leave? We came down on the 13th. I can't believe Mikey doesn't like ice cream. We need to train that boy about the good things in life! He is such a doll though! How can I get a hold of you now? I would love to chat. Especially about potty training. We are starting that any day now. I'm so glad you had a good trip, but so sad we didn't get to see you!
oh my goodness! He is getting so big. A big boy bed and potty training. I feel like I just did all that with Caden and he is 3. I am not even ready to do that with Lola and she is the same age as Mikey. Glad to hear you had a fun trip in Utah. Oh yeah...Mikey doesn't like ice cream?!? Man, my kids live off of it :)
mikey looks so old. i've been the worst friend, but i swear, i've gotten so much more busy since you moved away! i haven't had time (when i remember) to call you without interruptions- i hate talking to people if i'm around my kids because it always ends up being a short conversation... i'm going to attempt to call you tomorrow after church and see if we can catch up- i'll just lock myself in my room!
Mikey looks so big. I can't believe you are potty training him! Nathan just likes to stick his hand in the toilet. We miss you. It finally cooled down a little (I mean it is not 100 degrees outside at 7 am) like to 80 degrees or something we have started running again and we think about you and we miss you! I hope you are doing well.
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